Our Goal Is...
...to EDUCATE, MOTIVATE and INITIATE actions to reduce air pollution exposure and improve health outcomes in our communities

Who Are We?
The South Sacramento Steering Committee (SC) was established in 2018 and is comprised of community members who live, work, own, or represent businesses in the South Sacramento Florin community.
The SC serves as the liaison between Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (Sac Metro Air District) and our South Sacramento neighbors. We partner with the Sac Metro Air District to build awareness and engagement within South Sacramento regarding health-related air quality initiatives. Our purpose is to provide guidance and recommendations to Sac Metro Air District on the development and implementation of the Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP), which is used to monitor and improve air quality in South Sacramento.
The Sac Metro Air District is one of thirty-five (35) local air Districts that are responsible for regional air quality planning, monitoring, and facility permitting.

What's in our slogan?
The slogan for the South Sacramento AB 617 Steering Committee is "BREATHE HEALTHY, BE HEALTHY." This short phrase draws the connection between the quality of the air we breathe and the health outcomes that we experience.
As a South Sacramento community, we must treat our air quality like our health and our lives depended on it because in reality, they really do!

Committee Members
Bishop Chris Baker
Rachel Brown
Rhonda Henderson
Tido Thac Hoang
Richard Falcon
Reyna Moreno
Bill Knowlton
Michael Lampkin
John Rice
Patricia E. Shelby
Richard Lincoln
Ward Winchell (alternate)
Vincent J. Valdez
Richard Falcon (alternate)
Stephanie Williams