Did You Know ?
South Sacramento has some of the worst measures of air quality in the United States.
The area's two biggest air pollutants are ground-level ozone and particulate matter (PM2.5).
The main sources of pollution are vehicles in the summer and wood-burning in the winter.
AB617 is legislation signed into law that addresses the disproportionate impacts of air pollution in certain communities.
Pollutants pose significant health problems, damaging the lungs and causing chronic respiratory diseases.
South Sacramento Air Quality Measures
Sacramento & Surrounding Areas Air Quality Measures
Elk Grove
Rancho Cordova
How to read Air Quality
Think of the AQI as a yardstick that runs from 0 to 500. The higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern. For example, an AQI value of 50 or below represents good air quality, while an AQI value over 300 represents hazardous air quality.
The AQI is divided into six categories. Each category corresponds to a different level of health concern. Each category also has a specific color. The color makes it easy for people to quickly determine whether air quality is reaching unhealthy levels in their communities.

The AB 617 South Sacramento/Florin Community Steering Committee was formed in 2018 to determine neighborhood level strategies and implementation of the Community Air Protection Program in Sacramento
The AB 617 South Sacramento/Florin Steering Community...
is a partner of the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District

protects communities disproportionally impacted by air pollution

supports improved health by inspiring actions to reduce air pollution exposure

Our air quality is every community member's business. Join us in our upcoming meetings and events. We want to hear from you. Remember, air quality impacts our health and quality of life.

AB 617
What is
Assembly Bill 617 was signed into law in 2017 to develop a new community focused program aimed at reducing exposure to air pollution and preserving public health.
This law directs the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and all local air districts, including the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (Sac Metro Air District), to take measures to protect communities disproportionally impacted by air pollution.
AB617 Monitoring Principles

Data Accessibility & Information Sharing
Community Partnerships Throughout the Planning Process