Hello. We need you!
We are encouraging every resident of South Sacramento to take pride in safeguarding the quality of the air we breathe.
We all have a role to play! Support our Air Quality Initiatives!
Get involved!
Ways for you to

Be a South Sacramento
South Sac Clean Air Ambassadors are community leaders who promote clean air initiatives within their respective neighborhoods. They work closely with the Outreach Subcommittee of the South Sacramento AB 617 Community Steering Committee to disseminate information and encourage participation in community activities. Here are some of the benefits of being a Clean Air Ambassador:
Be the first to know about clean air or community health initiatives.
Be recognized as a leader at forefront of enhancing community quality of life.
Represent your neighborhood at Subcommittee meetings.
To become a clean air ambassador, sign up below.

One of the best ways to get involved with community air quality and community health outcomes is to inform yourself! Knowledge is power! Once you know, you can change personal habits and influence the behaviors of others...all for the betterment of your community! Here are some key things to learn about community air quality.
Like your life depended on it...It Does!
The best you can do regarding air quality is to take personal responsibility and do the right thing for your health and the health of those around you. Get familiar with the regulations and guidelines regarding burning waste, using would burning stoves, vehicle emissions and more.
Follow the links below for ways you can do your part:
Bring your ideas and concerns to the table...
Here is some important information about upcoming meetings and events related to Air Quality issues in our area. If you know of any other events, groups or activities happening in our community, please let us know here, and we will include it in our calendar.